Charities Registration Board/Te Rātā Atawhai

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Te Rātā Atawhai, the Charities Registration Board, is an independent body which makes decisions about registering or deregistering charities.

In practice, most decisions are made by Charities Services acting under formal delegation and guidance from the Board. However, the Board always deals with more complex or novel cases and those where organisations disagree with Charities Services’ decisions. 

Gwendoline Keel (Chair)

Gwen is an experienced commercial lawyer and not-for-profit governance and management specialist. After a long career in private practice, she is presently General Counsel within the post-settlement governance entity for the Waikato iwi, commonly known as Waikato-Tainui. The Waikato iwi comprises more than 76,000 registered members connected to 33 hapuu and represented by 68 marae.

Throughout her career Gwen has acquired significant experience in the charitable and not-for-profit sector, acting for many "household name" charities and national sporting codes, and having been consistently involved in the charitable sector as a director, committee member, and volunteer. Gwen has a particular interest in the economic development of kaupapa Maaori charities, information governance, and charitable law reform.

Gwen is a member of the Institute of Directors. She was appointed to the Board in December 2019 for a three-year period, and appointed to chair the Board in September 2021.

Bev Gatenby 

Dr Bev Gatenby currently works as a consultant, a facilitator and a coach, largely in the community and government sectors. She has worked with many charities, often  assisting with their governance, strategy and service development.  She also coaches managers and chairs in the philanthropic and community sectors and local government.

Bev was the Chief Executive of Trust Waikato between 2006 and 2016, and has held a range of local, regional and national governance roles. Bev was originally appointed to the Board in July 2018, and was re-appointed for a further three-year term in September 2021.

Loretta Lovell

Nau mai haere mai
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Mohaka te awa
Ko Taihoa te marae
He tamahine ahau o nga iwi o Rongomaiwahine, Ngati Pahauwera, Ngati Kahungunu me Whakatohea
Ko Loretta Lovell toku ingoa

Loretta is a Lawyer, Independent Environmental Commissioner and Professional Director. For over 20 years she has specialised in commercial, energy and resource management law. She has advised and also sat on the boards of several Iwi Māori and community organisations, helping them meet their social and economic aspirations. She holds governance positions on Crown entities and is a member of a number of advisory panels to public sector agencies.

Loretta was appointed to the Board in September 2021 for a three-year period. 

Vaiahu Tarita Hutchinson

Turou turou oromai oromai
Te oronga atu nei au i toku marama na roto i te vaerua tuatua tika e te turanga akamaroiroi kia tiratiratu tatou

Tarita Hutchinson is an experienced trustee and fiduciary with over three decades in senior advisory roles across the Pacific in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. As a Chartered Member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors and a Fellow of CPA Australia, she brings extensive governance expertise and a strong commitment to community service.

Tarita is dedicated to creating sustainable impact through her work, especially within Pacific communities. As the founder of Temarama Wealth, she focuses on empowering Pacific entrepreneurs to build resilient wealth infrastructure that supports their communities.

Tarita is excited to bring her skills in financial governance, strategic planning, and community-focused solutions to her role on Te Rātā Atawhai|Charities Registration Board which she began in October 2024.

Roger Holmes Miller

Roger is a barrister and solicitor and notary public who specialises in commercial and trust law, governance, acquisitions and mergers. He was the first Chair of Te Rātā Atawhai (the Charities Registration Board) and previously served on the Board between 2012 and 2021. Roger was made an officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to governance and the community in 2022.

Roger has been a director or trustee of numerous commercial, community and charitable entities. He has also chaired several other organisations, including the Porirua City Council Community Services Boards, Care NZ Manaaki, Scots College Wellington Foundation, Ski Racing New Zealand, and Snow Sports New Zealand. Roger was appointed to the Board in December 2024 for one year.

To view the decisions made by the Charities Registration Board, see our legal decisions page.