Charities in New Zealand

The Charities Register/Te Rēhita Kaupapa Atawhai
All registered charities in New Zealand appear on the Charities Register. The Register summarises each charity’s purposes, activities, sector and includes their annual return – a yearly report which details their income, expenditure and activities. 

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Published 15 March 2022

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In order to foster the confidence of the sector and the public in our decision-making under the Charities Act 2005, we publish registration decisions made by the Charities Registration Board on our website.  We also publish court judgments under the Charities Act 2005 to our website as soon as possible after we receive them.

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The Charities Act 2005
The Charities Act 2005 ("the Act") established the Charities Commission. The Commission was given the responsibility of administering the Act and the registration of charitable entities began on 1 February 2007, when the Charities Register (“the Register”) opened. The Charities Commission became Charities Services in 2012 and the core functions of the Commission were transferred to the Department of Internal Affairs. 

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Making a complaint about a registered charity
Updated 27 September 2024

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About Charities Services
We promote public trust and confidence in the charitable sector and encourage the effective use of charitable resources.

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Sector Showcase
Part of our role at Charities Services is celebrating and highlighting the work of charities across Aotearoa New Zealand. Our sector showcase is the chance to tell the stories of our charitable sector. Keep an eye out as we will continue to add to this page over the year. 

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Charities Sector Group
Charities Services’ vision is that our work contributes to a well-governed, transparent and thriving charitable sector with strong public support. We are focussed on being a responsive regulator that understands the sector and how our work impacts on charities. To be able to effectively respond to issues in the sector, Charities Services engages with a range of sector representatives and stakeholders, including the Charities Sector Group.

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Research into charities
One of Charities Services’ functions, under the Charities Act 2005, is to promote research relating to charities.

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