About Charities Services

We promote public trust and confidence in the charitable sector and encourage the effective use of charitable resources. 

The role of Charities Services
Charities Services, Ngā Ratonga Kaupapa Atawhai, is part of the Department of Internal Affairs, Te Tari Taiwhenua, and administers the Charities Act 2005. We strive to be a modern, responsive, risk-based regulator focused on promoting public trust and confidence in the charitable sector and encouraging the effective use of charitable resources.Our vision is that our work contributes to a well-governed, transparent and thriving charitable sector with strong public support. We do this by registering and monitoring charities and processing annual returns. We also encourage good governance and management practices by providing educational support, advice and materials.

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Charities Registration Board/Te Rātā Atawhai
Te Rātā Atawhai, the Charities Registration Board, is an independent body which makes decisions about registering or deregistering charities.In practice, most decisions are made by Charities Services acting under formal delegation and guidance from the Board. However, the Board always deals with more complex or novel cases and those where organisations disagree with Charities Services’ decisions.

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