Samoan Independent Seventh Day Adventist Church

11 February 2021

In its decision dated 17 December 2020, Te Rātā Atawhai, the Charities Registration Board (“the Board”), has removed the Samoan Independent Seventh Day Adventist Church (“the entity”) from the Charities Register. The Board considers that the entity meets the grounds for deregistration under the Charities Act (“the Act”), as the entity and its officers have engaged in serious wrongdoing. The Board also considers that it is in the public interest to remove the entity from the Charities Register.

The Board has also made orders that the entity must not re-apply for registration for six months from the date of deregistration, and that two of the entity’s officers are disqualified from being an officer of a registered charity for four years from the date of deregistration.

The Board’s full decision can be read at the link below.

The Board’s statement regarding the decision can be found here.

Deregistration; Disqualification orders