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Charities Services Ngā Rātonga Kaupapa Atawhai
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That Was Then This Is Now Charitable Trust

22 December 2015

Note: That Was Then This Is Now Charitable Trust appealed the Charities Registration Board’s decision to remove it from the Charities Register. The Board is currently reconsidering the decision.

The Charities Registration Board has decided to remove That Was Then This Is Now Charitable Trust from the Charities Register, after analysis of the Trust’s rules and activities showed that it is not reintegrating prisoners or advancing any other charitable purposes.

Instead, the Board considers the Trust’s focus and activities are to provide benefits to the Head Hunters Motorcycle Club, its members, associates and their families.

To be registered as a charity, a trust must have exclusively charitable purposes, and be available to a sufficient section of the public. It is not charitable to provide private benefits to individuals or a closed or tightly-defined group. 

The Board’s reasoning is set out in its decision below.
