The Charities Register/Te Rēhita Kaupapa Atawhai

All registered charities in New Zealand appear on the Charities Register. The Register summarises each charity’s purposes, activities, sector and includes their annual return - a yearly report which details their income, expenditure and activities.

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About the Charities Register
The Charities Register is a database of charities registered under the Charities Act 2005. The Register helps the public, funders and other users to make better informed decisions about charities they may wish to support financially, volunteer for, or whose services they may wish to use.

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Charities' data 'how-to' guide
Learn how to search, sort and group charities’ data by: activity, beneficiaries, location, staffing, assets, expenditure and more.

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Open data
The database has been updated as of 24 July 2024. These changes include new fields as part of the new reporting standards set by the External Reporting Board (XRB), changes to the Charities Act 2005 and other changes that improved the information on the Charities Register.

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