Governance information for new officers
The information and resources on this page can help you with running and governing your charity.
Support for new officers video
Published 6 July 2021
As an officer your biggest responsibility is to act in the best interest of your charity, making sure it remains focused on its purpose and the benefit it provides to the public.
This video and resource sheet is a starting point to help you understand your role as an officer and how you can contribute to governing your charity well.
Click here for the resource sheet [PDF, 139 KB]
Information for new officers resource sheet in other languages
Published 22 August 2022
Te Reo Māori [PDF, 74 KB]
Cook Island Māori [PDF, 76 KB]
Samoan [PDF, 74 KB]
Tongan [PDF, 77 KB]
Fijian [PDF, 74 KB]
Hindi [PDF, 109 KB]
Simplified Chinese [PDF, 614 KB]
Traditional Chinese [PDF, 549 KB]
Arabic [PDF, 103 KB]
Charity handbook
Published 16 July 2021
There is a lot to record when you are running a charity and it’s good to have it in one place.
The Charity Handbook has been designed to help you keep track of the information that you need to run your charity. You can also use it as a handover document for new members.
Click here for a copy of the Charity Handbook. [PDF, 356 KB]
Governance in a crisis for small charities
A crisis can be a difficult time to be on a committee or board of a charity. Times of crisis present many challenges, but they can also present opportunities for boards to rethink how they can best support their charity.
This resource outlines 5 key tips for governance of charities when crisis hits. It has been adapted from JB Were’s guidance on leadership in times of crisis.
Click here to read our guide: Governance in a crisis for small charities. [PDF, 77 KB]