2024 Charities Services Annual Meeting
On 13 November 2024, we held our Annual Meeting online with representatives of charities from all over the country. The meeting included addresses from key speakers, a Q&A, and information sessions.
The Annual Meeting was opened with an address from the Honourable Louise Upston, Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector. She discussed strategies to enhance the charitable sector, emphasising the importance of supporting the sector by reducing regulatory barriers, improving governance and fostering a growth in philanthropy.
Gwen Keel, Chair of Te Rt Atawhai, the independent Charities Registration Board, spoke of the Board's role. She acknowledged all the work being done to implement the changes to the Charities Act 2005 and thanked all those who contributed.
Maria Robertson, Deputy Chief Executive of the Department of Internal Affairs, discussed our branch priorities to deliver statutory, regulatory and service excellence every day. This commitment includes providing equity of access to public services and ensuring our services are responsive to whnau, hap, iwi, Mori charities and communities.
The speeches were concluded by Charlotte Stanley, General Manager of Charities Services who acknowledged sector achievements and Charities Services' work to fulfil our regulatory responsibilities. She outlined Charities Services work for the coming year, which includes a review of our regulatory strategy and plans to hold more sector engagement events in 2025.
Following a panel discussion where Charities Services staff addressed questions from attendees, three information sessions were provided by Charities Services and the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment. These sessions covered the topics of Governance, Annual Reporting, and Incorporated Societies.
Video recording
2024 Charities Services Annual Meeting