Enhancing not-for-profit reporting – A new guide from Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

Published 20 November 2019

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) have released their latest edition of Enhancing not-for-profit reporting. The guide was created with the purpose of supporting organisations in the not-for-profit and charity sector with their reporting requirements.

There are two parts to the guide. Part A: Enhancing performance reporting is a trans-tasman resource that includes examples of good performance reporting practice and a useful checklist to help entities assess their own reporting and how well they are explaining their performance.

Part B: Enhancing financial reporting (New Zealand) is written for New Zealand entities specifically to assist them in meeting their financial reporting requirements. It provides recommendations and guidance to help not-for-profits and charities to complete their financial reporting.

This guide is primarily aimed at accountants and treasurers but anyone who is an officer of a charity will likely find it useful.

You can download both parts of the guide from the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand website.