Entries open for the 2021 New Zealand Charity Reporting Awards

Has your charity done a great job on your financial reporting? Your efforts could be recognised in the 2021 New Zealand Charity Reporting Awards.

The awards, organised by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ), recognise best practice among registered charities in meeting their financial reporting standards.

To enter, send through your financial statements (Tier 1 & 2) or your performance report (Tier 3 & 4) to charityreportingawards@charteredaccountantsanz.com. The report you enter must be the same as the report filed with Charities Services and available on the Charities Register for your most recent financial year.

Entries will be judged on the effectiveness of their communication, their innovation, compliance with standards and overall presentation.

For the 2021 awards, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand have introduced a Sustainability Award which will recognise the charity that has shown the most sustainable impact.

First place winners in each of the four tiers will receive a prize of $1000. The highly commended in each tier and the sustainability prize winner will receive $500.

Entries close on Friday 19 February 2021.

More information about how to enter and award guidelines are on the CA ANZ website. For any questions, please contact Maike Scherer from Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand at: maike.scherer@charteredaccountantsanz.com.

The winners of the 2020 awards and the links to their winning financial reports are here. You can read the feedback and tips from a judge of the 2020 Charity Reporting Awards in our latest blog: Innovation and best practice in charity reporting - Feedback on the 2020 Charity Reporting Awards.