Charities Services Ngā Rātonga Kaupapa Atawhai
Charities Tag Line - Supporting Charities in New Zealand for Stronger Communities

Hot topics/Ngā kaupapa o te wā

Blog post - 17 December 2018

An update on our governance project, and our plan for the next 12 months.

2018 Charities Services Annual Meeting

About 200 people gathered in Auckland on 4 October 2018 to attend Charities Services’ Annual Meeting.

Blog post - 26 October 2018

Fraud in the charitable sector

Public consultation on the Charities Act review

The Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector has announced updated timing for public consultation for the Charities Act Review.

Family First appeal of Charities Registration Board decision dismissed

The independent Charities Registration Board notes the recent decision of the High Court on the removal of Family First as a charity.

Webinar recording - The Charities Register

Watch the recording of our webinar on how to search the Charities Register.

New appointment to the Charities Registration Board

Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Peeni Henare has announced a new appointment.

Blog post - 25 July 2018

Sports and charity: Rules of the game

Blog post - 17 July 2018

Upcoming tax changes that might affect your charity

Blog post - 20 June 2018

What charities need to know about the New Zealand Business Number

National Volunteer Week

This week we celebrate National Volunteer Week which runs until Saturday 23 June 2018.

Review of the Charities Act 2005

The Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector has announced a review of the Charities Act 2005.

Update on Sea Shepherd New Zealand from the Independent Charities Registration Board

In a decision dated 28 May 2018 the independent Charities Registration Board (the “Board”) determined that Sea Shepherd New Zealand Trust (the “Trust”

Update on Save Animals From Exploitation from the Independent Charities Registration Board

In a decision dated 19 April 2018 the independent Charities Registration Board directed that Save Animals From Exploitation

Blog post - 6 April 2018

Social enterprise and charity

Update on Greenpeace of New Zealand Incorporated from the Independent Charities Registration Board

In its decision dated 21 March 2018 the independent Charities Registration Board has decided to decline Greenpeace’s application to be a registered ch

New Blog Post - 14 February 2018

Ending a charity - what to do with what's left

Reminder that rules documents must be followed

In March 2015, following an investigation by Charities Services, the Glenn Family Foundation Charitable Trust removed itself from the New Zealand...

Update on Destiny International Trust and Te Hahi o Nga Matamua Holdings Limited from the independent Charities Registration Board

The independent Charities Registration Board has decided to remove Destiny International Trust and Te Hahi o Nga Matamua Holdings Limited from the Cha

2017 Charities Services Annual Meeting

More than 200 people gathered in Wellington on 2 November 2017 to attend Charities Services’ Annual Meeting.