New Constitution Builder Tool for Incorporated Societies
The Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment have designed a ‘do-it-yourself’ constitution builder for societies.
On 22 November 2017, Te Rātā Atawhai, the independent Charities Registration Board (the Board) decided to remove the Destiny International Group
This blog discusses what information can sometimes be restricted from the Charities Register
Promotes openness and honesty about fraud and brings together everyone involved in the charitable sector to raise awareness around tackling fraud.
Charities Services Annual Meeting 2019
About 200 people gathered in Christchurch on 23 September 2019 to attend Charities Services’ Annual Meeting.
How to complete your performance report and annual return
This resource is intended to help Tier 4 charities complete their performance report and submit their annual return.
Governance information resource
This resource is a starting point to help new officers understand their role and how they can contribute to governing their charity well.
This blog outlines some important points to remember as you prepare to submit your annual return and performance report.
On 4 July 2019 the External Reporting Board (XRB) issued the new financial reporting standard PBE IPSAS 40 PBE Combinations for application by Tier 1
We have put together a short list of free online resources on governance we believe are the among the best.
Statement on Shooters Lottery Incorporated from the Independent Charities Registration Board
Feedback on the 2019 Charity Reporting Awards
Automated Cash Book — Helping you report your cash transactions
Statement on the Better Public Media Trust from the Independent Charities Registration Board
Online presentation on the modernisation of the Charities Act 2005 now available
2019 New Zealand Charity Reporting Awards
The winners and highly commended have been announced
Streamlining registration: Common issues in applications
Make sure your donation will have an impact
We have some very helpful tips to help you safely make a donation