2017 Charities Services Annual Meeting

More than 200 people gathered in Wellington on 2 November 2017 to attend Charities Services’ Annual Meeting.

More than 200 people gathered in Wellington on 2 November 2017 to attend Charities Services' Annual Meeting.

The meeting was the first public speaking engagement by Hon Peeni Henare as the new Minister for the Community and Voluntary sector, and the first Annual Meeting for Charities Services' new General Manager, Natasha Weight.

The Minister spoke about his Community and Voluntary Sector portfolio and the importance of our communities working together to build a strong, brave and resilient Aotearoa.

General Manager Natasha Weight has commented on how she enjoyed speaking to charities and hearing their stories at the meeting, and celebrating success through the Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand (CAANZ) Charity Reporting Awards, recognising outstanding efforts by charities in adopting the new reporting standards.

Charities from around the country made the journey to Wellington for the meeting, and those who could not make it joined us live on Facebook.


Video recordings of the speeches

Address from Hon Peeni Henare, Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector

Address from Roger Holmes Miller, Chair of Charities Registration Board

Address from Natasha Weight, General Manager of Charities Service

Q&A session

Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand (CAANZ) Annual Reporting Awards