2018 Charities Services Annual Meeting
About 200 people gathered in Auckland on 4 October 2018 to attend Charities Services’ Annual Meeting.
About 200 people gathered in Auckland on 4 October 2018 to attend Charities Services' Annual Meeting.
We were joined by Hon Peeni Henare, Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector who provided an update of the review of the Charities Act. He announced public consultation is scheduled for early next year and urged all stakeholders to engage in the consultation process. Roger Holmes Miller, Chair of the Charities Registration Board, announced the Charities Registration Board's new Te Reo Mori name - Te Rt Atawhai. The name refers to the rt tree, known for its shading and protecting qualities, and atawhai translates to charities.
Maria Robertson, Deputy Chief Executive, introduced Charities Services' first ever Annual Review Report. The report provides a helpful snapshot of our work, our plans and the sector and is available for download below.
Natasha Weight, Charities Services' General Manager, shared the key focus areas for Charities Services in the coming year. The priorities are: more governance support through improved capability resources, and leading Charities Services as a modern responsive risk-based regulator.
The Minister and senior Charities Services staff also gave charities an opportunity to have their say and ask the hard questions. Some of the issues we heard were: challenges with the reporting standards, re-registering after being deregistered, and challenges posed for charities without English as a first language. We are always keen to get feedback, so if you have any questions or thoughts please feel free to contact us .
Those who could not make the meeting were able to join us live on Facebook .
Charities Services Information Sheet (English) [PDF, 865 KB]
Charities Services Information Sheet (Cook Island Mori) [PDF, 310 KB]