2020 Charity Law, Accounting and Regulation Conference

The Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (CLAANZ), in collaboration with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) and Charities Services, hosted the Charity Law, Accounting and Regulation Conference in November 2020.

The Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (CLAANZ) , in collaboration with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) and Charities Services, hosted the Charity Law, Accounting and Regulation Conference in November 2020.

The topic of this year's conference was developed as a response to the global pandemic, to focus on issues relating to COVID-19 and its impact. The conference brought together a wide range of voices and perspectives from professionals, charities, and government. The conference provided opportunities for insightful conversation allowing attendees to think about how we can build back better after COVID-19.

You can view the conference programme and watch the recordings of each session here.