2022 Charities Services Annual Meeting

On 14 October 2022, we held our first hybrid Annual Meeting with representatives of charities from all over Aotearoa attending both in person and online. The Annual Meeting gave the opportunity for registered charities to hear about Charities Services' priorities, ask questions and celebrate the mahi of the Community and Voluntary Sector.

On 14 October 2022, we held our first hybrid Annual Meeting with representatives of charities from all over Aotearoa attending both in person and online. The Annual Meeting gave the opportunity for registered charities to hear about Charities Services' priorities, ask questions and celebrate the mahi of the Community and Voluntary Sector.

The Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector, the Honourable Priyanca Radhakrishnan, gave an update on the work to modernise the Charities Act 2005. She also emphasised the importance of the partnership between Government and the charitable sector in being responsive to the needs and aspirations of individual communities.

Gwen Keel, Chair of Te Rt Atawhai, the independent Charities Registration Board, spoke of the Board's role and how it makes decisions. She also discussed the importance of evolving the charitable law framework to reflect a modern Aotearoa.

Maria Robertson, Deputy Chief Executive of Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs, discussed our priorities to deliver statutory, regulatory and service excellence every day. This includes providing equity of access to public services and ensuring our services are responsive to whnau, hap, iwi, Mori charities and communities.

Natasha Weight, General Manager of Charities Services, wrapped up the speeches by outlining a sector snapshot. She also spoke about our mahi, including driving down registration timeframes, Te Aka Taiwhenua, diverse communities and engaging with charities.

Attendees in-person and on Zoom had the opportunity to ask their questions via Slido.com. As always, these questions help us understand what issues registered charities face and what support we can help with.

We are always interested in your feedback, so if you have any questions or thoughts, please contact us.


2021/2022 Annual Review [PDF, 11 MB]

Video recordings of the speeches

Address from Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan, Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector

Address from Gwen Keel, Chair of Te Rt Atawhai, the Charities Registration Board

Address from Maria Robertson, Deputy Chief Executive of Kwai ki te Iwi, Service, Delivery and Operations

Natasha Weight, General Manager of Ng Ratonga Kaupapa Atawhai, Charities Services

Q&A session

Full meeting