Tier 3 Charities - Tour of the performance report

Recording of the webinar held on 31 August 2017

If your charity is Tier 3, you need to complete a performance report every year as part of your annual reporting.

In this webinar we’re going to explain:

  • What a performance report is

  • How it fits in with your charity's annual return

  • What you need to complete one

  • How it can help your registered charity

This webinar is only relevant to Tier 3 charities. Before you participate in this webinar make sure you know what tier your charity is. If you’re unsure find out on our 'Which tier should I use?' page.

View the handout for the webinar here

Links to useful resources [PDF, 178 KB]

Performance Report Template Example (Awhina Trust)

Webinar recording

Click the image above to view the recording.