Preparing to register

These pages outline what you will need to prepare before you register, such as your charitable purpose, your rules document and your officer information.

Once you have prepared everything you need to apply, go to our Ready to apply page to find out about the application process.

Charitable purpose/Take atawhai
To be registered as a charity, your organisation must have charitable purposes.

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The name of your organisation
Updated 13 May 2024

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Charitable purpose and your rules
Your rules are the documents that set out your charity's purposes, what you do and how you operate.  For example, they may be your trust deed, constitution or charter. If your organisation was specifically set up under an Act of Parliament, your rules may be set out in that Act.

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Officer information
Updated 8 April 2024

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What you need for registration resource in multi-languages
This resource provides information what you will need to know before you register. This resource has been translated in other languages.

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He pārongo mō te rēhita i te marae kei tētahi whenua rāhui Māori - Registering a marae on a Māori reservation as a charity
This page outlines the information you need to provide if your marae is on a Māori reservation and you would like to apply to become a registered charity.

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