Tier 3 Example performance reports

This relates only to the Tier 3 Public Benefit Entity Simple Format Reporting - Accrual (Not-for-Profit) PBE SFR A (NFP) Standard.

On this page, you'll find Tier 3 example performance reports to help you prepare your own.  Some of the examples were completed in 2016, soon after the new reporting standards were implemented. Therefore, some may not include comparative information to their previous financial year. To comply with the financial reporting standards, your performance report must include comparative information to your previous financial year, also called the 'Last Year' column in the template.

Example 1: Fictional charity

We have created an example performance report for a fictional charity. You can view it here or  download it by clicking here [PDF, 149 KB] .This example uses the Excel template that you can find by clicking here .

Example 2: One Percent Collective

One Percent Collective collects money from donees by encouraging them to donate 1% of their income. This money is then distributed to their partner charities. They have reported under Tier 3. We especially liked the way they have linked each outcome to their outputs in their Statement of Service Performance as well as their fantastic graphics. View the One Percent Collective performance report by clicking here. [PDF, 8.6 MB]

One Percent Collective collects money from donees by encouraging them to donate 1% of their income. This money is then distributed to their partner charities. They have reported under Tier 3. We especially liked the way they have linked each outcome to their outputs in their Statement of Service Performance as well as their fantastic graphics. View the One Percent Collective performance report by clicking here. [PDF, 8.6 MB]

Example 3: Rainbow Youth

Rainbow Youth is an organisation that promotes the acceptance of the diversity of sexuality and gender in New Zealand. They raise their money through grants, donations, and the provision of services. They have reported under Tier 3, and we especially liked their clear and concise accounting policies. View the Rainbow Youth performance report by clicking here. [PDF, 387 KB]

Rainbow Youth is an organisation that promotes the acceptance of the diversity of sexuality and gender in New Zealand. They raise their money through grants, donations, and the provision of services. They have reported under Tier 3, and we especially liked their clear and concise accounting policies.

Example 4: The Gift Trust

The Gift Trust is a Donor Advised Giving charity that invests and pays out moneys according to donor instructions. The charity's primary objective is to invest and pay out money, so we thought their Statement of Service Performance gave some really useful information about the grants they had made that goes beyond just the dollar amount. They have reported under Tier 3. View the Gift Trust performance report by clicking here. [PDF, 384 KB]

The Gift Trust is a Donor Advised Giving charity that invests and pays out moneys according to donor instructions. The charity's primary objective is to invest and pay out money, so we thought their Statement of Service Performance gave some really useful information about the grants they had made that goes beyond just the dollar amount. They have reported under Tier 3.

Example 5: Pacific Islanders Presbyterian Church, Newtown

Pacific Islanders Presbyterian Church, Newtown, was established under the Presbyterian Church Property Trustees Act 1885. The church is one of 469 churches affiliated to the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ). The church has a busy role in the Newtown community and incorporates a licensed early childhood education known as the "PIPC Aoga Amata, Newtown". This is a great example that shows how a church can use the reporting standards to illustrate the good work that they do.  View the Pacific Islanders Presbyterian Church performance report by clicking here. [PDF, 336 KB]

Example 6: Si'ufofoga o Le Laumua Trust (Samoa Capital Radio)

Si'ufofoga o Le Laumua Trust (Samoa Capital Radio) is a Samoan broadcasting organisation based in Wellington. We like how the Trust reported their outcomes and outputs in a clear way. Their performance report reflects how busy they are in the role as educators, entertainers and informers.   View the Samoa Capital Radio performance report by clicking here. [PDF, 385 KB]

Example 7: Manukorihi Pa Reserve Trustees

Manukorihi Pa Reserve is based in Waitara, Taranaki and is busy doing a wide range of charitable activities that benefit the community. It uses the Tier 3 standard and we like how it provides clear and easily read information and a great example of reporting related party transactions. View the Manukorihi Pa Reserve Trustees performance report by clicking here. [PDF, 5.5 MB]

Example 8: Winston Churchill Memorial Trust

This Trust is administered by DIA and our staff have prepared the performance report. This is a Tier 3 report, however the Trust carries its investment portfolio at market value, and therefore has correctly used the Tier 2 standards relating to financial instruments. This is a good example of what it looks like if you apply these standards and what disclosures you need to make.

View the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust performance report by clicking here. [PDF, 846 KB]

Example 9: Bellyful

Winner of the Charities Reporting Awards for Tier 3, Bellyful are a charity that cook and deliver meals to families with newborn babies and young children where there is no family or social support. We really like how the trust used the template but then added its own flair with additional sections in the Statement of Service Performance. The recognition of volunteers and branches and inclusion of statements of gratitude really help to flesh out the positive impact Bellyful is having on communities. Further, the sections relating to gratitude and corporate support provide a clear view of the reach of Bellyful around the country. View Bellyful's performance report by clicking here [PDF, 7.5 MB] .

Example 10: Te Hou Ora Whnau Services

Te Hou Ora was established in 1976 to support young people, whnau and the community of tepoti. Since then, they have diversified and transformed to meet the growing needs of the community. They provide programmes and services to empower families and to help young people positively engage in their communities. Te Hou Ora was the Tier 3 Highly Commended winner for the 2020 Annual Reporting Awards.

Read Te Hou Ora's performance report by clicking here.

Have you seen a great performance report?

Please tell us about it by e-mailing info@charities.govt.nz

More information

Click here for more resources for Tier 3 charities to help you create your performance report.