Social Media Terms and Conditions

Before you engage with us through online, we encourage you to read our terms of use for social media so you know what to expect.

If you follow us on Facebook you can expect information, news and events of interest to registered charities and posts that raise awareness about issues affecting the charitable sector in New Zealand and internationally.

Our Policy

We typically check our social media channels between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

We aim to respond to any posts or relevant comments within 24 hours, but please bear with us. We may need longer depending on your query and we can't promise we'll be able to reply individually to every post. For urgent queries, we recommend you contact us by email or phone instead.

We choose to Favourite, Like or Share content where we feel it is of interest to our followers. However, we do not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of this information. We share content in good faith.

We reserve the right to take the conversation offline if we think we can provide you with better service one on one.

What we expect from you

Our social media channels are not for normal business

If you need to contact us about processing an annual return or the status of an application, please email or call us on 0508 CHARITIES (0508 242 748).

We ask that you are respectful when engaging with us and each other. We will remove any posts or comments that include:

  • any explicit or unrelated content or personal information - such as addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or other online contact details

  • commercial endorsements or promotion of any product, service or publication

  • language or content that is harmful, defamatory, racist, sexist or discriminatory, insulting or offensive (including swearing and obscene or vulgar comments)

  • content we deem is not accurate or relevant.

We will not tolerate inappropriate behaviour on our page. If you have a grievance about another charity, our page is not the place to name and shame. If you have concerns a registered charity is in breach of the Charities Act 2005 or engaged in serious wrongdoing you can email  but we encourage you to read the information on our website about Charities Services grounds to investigate before contacting us. Please also note we that we cannot comment on, or respond to, any questions about our ongoing investigations.

Any comments or users that breach any of our Terms and Conditions, Facebook's Terms and Policies or YouTube Community Guidelines will be removed or blocked from our page.

Disclaimer: The content of our social media accounts is intended for informational purposes only. Charities Services shall in no event accept any liability for loss or damage suffered by any person or body due to information provided on our page or linked sites.

The information on our social media accounts and all government websites is provided on the basis that persons accessing the information undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content.

Please email if you have any questions or comments.