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Ngā tauira pūrongo paearu mai i ngā rōpū mahi atawhai Māori - Example performance reports from Māori charities
This page includes some examples of performance reports from Māori charities that can help you prepare your own.
The Karangahape Marae Trust is responsible for the maintenance and stewardship (kaitiakitanga) of the marae. They assist students in environmental studies to help further this role. This is a good example of how to report the activities that many marae may have. It also demonstrates the links between the charity’s activities and objectives well. They have reported under Tier 4.
View the performance report for the Karangahape Marae Trust by clicking here. [PDF, 338 KB]
Manukorihi Pā Reserve is based in Waitara, Taranaki and is busy doing a wide range of charitable activities that benefit the community. It uses the Tier 3 standard and we like how it provides clear and easily read information and a great example of reporting related party transactions.
View the performance report for the Manukorihi Pa Reserve Trustees by clicking here. [PDF, 5.5 MB]
This is a sample performance report for a fictional Tier 4 Māori charity. If you want to use this template, you can change the details to suit your marae.
View the performance report for the Kakariki Marae by clicking here. [XLSX, 300 KB]