Te tono pūtea - Funding
This page outlines funding opportunities for Māori organisations.
There are a number of organisations in Aotearoa that provide funding for charities. Below are funders who give grants that specifically support Māori organisations. You can find a list of other funding options on our website. How to fund your charity(external link).
Oranga Marae
Oranga Marae supports the physical and cultural revitalisation of marae as centres of Māori identity and mātauranga (knowledge). An advisor can provide advice and practical support to help you develop marae, whānau, hapū and iwi. Find out more about Oranga Marae(external link).
Te Kāwai Toro - J R McKenzie Trust
The J R McKenzie Trust is a philanthropic family trust that has been grant making in Aotearoa since 1940. Te Kāwai Toro was established by the Trust in 2005 to proactively support and enable Māori development. Learn more about Te Kāwai Toro(external link).
The committee administers the Pūtea Toro Fund. This fund provides small grants for rōpū/organisations in support of Māori led development for any of the following:
- building organisational capacity
- attending hui/conferences
- infrastructure development
- networking
- social enterprise initiatives
- seeding grants
- expertise/research
- advocacy or lobbying for positive change.
J R McKenzie also undertook research into philanthropic funding to Māori.
J R McKenzie Trust 'Philanthropic Funding to Māori'(external link)
Te Puni Kōkiri
Te Puni Kōkiri has several funds available to support Māori organisations.
Te Pūtake o te Riri (Wars and Conflict in New Zealand Fund) supports whānau, hapū and iwi to initiate, promote and deliver activities and events that commemorate the New Zealand Land Wars. The fund seeks to increase awareness among all people of Aotearoa about our local history, significant land marks and people including strengthening relationships and partnerships. It is also about building nationhood and pride among all citizens, increasing mātauranga and value for local history and increasing bi-lingual resources. Visit Te Pūtake o re Riri (Wars and Conflict in New Zealand Fund)(external link) for more information.
Te Pū Harakeke supports Māori to host community projects and events. The fund is split into three specific purposes:
- Māra Kai: funding for Māori organisations that want to set up community garden projects and learn about sustainable food growing.
- Matariki celebrations: funding for Māori to participate in or host celebrations or education initiatives related to Matariki.
- Sponsorship: funding for events that contribute to Māori development.
Visit Te Pū Harakeke for more information.(external link)
Te Māngai Pāho
Te Māngai Pāho was established to provide funding to the national network of Māori radio stations and for the production and broadcast of Māori language television programmes, radio programmes and music recordings. Find out more by visiting Te Māngai Pāho(external link).
Te Tahua Taiao Ngā Taonga
Te Tahua Taiao Ngā Taonga (Lottery Environment and Heritage grants) funds grants for projects that 'promote, protect and conserve New Zealand's natural, physical and cultural heritage'. This can include funding for whare taonga and wahi tapu sites. There are two different kinds of grants, for either small or large projects. Find out more about Te Tahua Taiao Ngā Taonga, including past recipients(external link).
Te Papa Atawhai
Te Papa Atawhai (The Department of Conservation) has two funds to support Māori organisations. The Ngā Whenua Rahui Fund(external link) supports the protection of indigenous biodiversity on Māori-owned land. It is geared towards the owners retaining rangatiratanga (ownership and control) and reaffirming the bond between tangata whenua and the land. Māori land authorities such as trusts and incorporations, and organisations that represent whānau, hapū or iwi can apply.
The Mātauranga Kura Taiao Fund(external link) supports whānau, hapū and iwi to revive, retain and promote traditional Māori knowledge and its practical use in the management of indigenous biodiversity. Organisations that represent whānau, hapū or iwi with legal status (e.g. charitable trust, incorporated society, Ahu Whenua trust, Māori reservation trust) are eligible to apply.
Te Muka Rau
Te Muka Rau is a small philanthropic trust that aims to contribute to "a socially cohesive Aotearoa New Zealand where Te Ao Māori is strong and vibrant, where the central place of Te Ao Māori in Aotearoa is supported by all, and where we feel comfortable and respected in our own cultures and heritage." Te Muka Rau provides funding to initiatives that align with their key goals outlined above. Visit Te Muka Rau's website(external link).
Manatū Taonga
Manatū Taonga (the Ministry of Culture and Heritage) administers Te Tahua Whakakaha, Cultural Sector Capability Fund. The fund supports the cultural sector to adapt and respond to Aotearoa’s post-COVID-19 environment. The fund will prioritise applications that show how they will benefit Māori. Organisations and community groups that support Māori arts, culture and heritage are encouragred to apply. This includes iwi, hapū and marae organisations. Find out more on the Manatū Taonga website.(external link)
Wellington Community Trust
The Wellington Community Trust is an independent funder that distributes grants across the Wellington region. He Rau Aroha is the Trust’s commitment to support Māori led initiatives. It is specifically focussed on supporting groups that serve Mana Whenua, Taura Here, and other Māori groups. Please note that this support is only available for those groups in the Wellington region. Find out more by visiting the Wellington Community Trust website(external link).
Mātauranga Māori Marae Ora
The Mātauranga Māori Marae Ora fund is available to support marae communities with projects that protect and revitalise mātauranga and taonga on marae. It aims to help marae protect their mātauranga and taonga from the impact and ongoing threat of COVID-19, and support the cultural revitalisation of marae as centres of Māori identity and mātauranga. There is $5.7 million available over the course of two years. Find out more about Mātauranga Māori Marae Ora including how and when to apply here.(external link)
If you have a fund or charity that supports Māori charities, let us know by emailing info@charities.govt.nz and we can add it to this list.