He pārongo mō te rēhita i te marae kei tētahi whenua rāhui Māori - Registering a marae on a Māori reservation as a charity

This page outlines the information you need to provide if your marae is on a Mori reservation and you would like to apply to become a registered charity.

Download a PDF version of the information on this page here. [PDF, 309 KB]

Kei whea te whenua rhui Māori - Māori reservation location

Providing one of the following will help us locate the Māori reservation for your marae:

Te Tūtohinga - Charter

If your marae is on a Māori reservation, it should have a charter drawn up by ngā kaitiaki (trustees). Please provide this charter if available.

A charter normally includes details about your marae and may include information about ngā kaitiaki and how the marae runs. If your marae has no charter, please provide any other governing document (rules, trust deed, constitution, etc.) that your marae may have.

Ngā Kaitiaki - Trustees

You will need to provide details (names, position, addresses, dates of birth) of ngā kaitiaki of the Māori reservation (the names registered with the Māori Land Court). You can find out who is registered as a kaitiaki by searching the  Māori Land Online  website or by contacting Te Kooti Whenua Māori (the Māori Land Court).

A marae may have ngā kaitiaki for the reservation and a committee that manages the day-to-day operation of the marae. We do not require details of the committee members. You may choose to name a committee member as the contact person for your marae if the committee takes care of the day-to-day running of your marae.

Mō tō marae - About your marae

Ko wai mā kei te whai wāhi ki tō marae? - Who is part of your marae? We will need to know who is part of your marae. This might be:

  • iwi

  • hapū

  • whānau

  • church

  • wider hapori (community)

  • other specific groups.

He aha ngā mahi i tō marae? - What does your marae do?

Please provide as much detail as possible on the activities of your marae. For example, your marae may:

  • provide facilities for hui, whānau gatherings, wānanga and hapori gatherings

  • organise events, including cultural, sporting, local hapori, fundraising and educational events

  • run programmes such as training services, social services or health services

  • run events to promote the religious beliefs of your marae

  • run language and cultural groups for Māori and the wider hapori 

  • hold tangi and unveilings and look after your urupā

  • run other activities.

He aha ā muri ake nei? - What next?

When you are ready to apply to become a registered charity, complete the online application form . The information on this page can help you complete the relevant sections in the application form.

Before you apply, make sure you understand the obligations of being a registered charity . Your marae will need to report annually to Charities Services using the reporting standards . We recommend you read up on these before you apply.

Kei te hiahia āwhina? - Need help?

If you require any help with completing the information in your application form, please contact us at CCRegistrationinfo@dia.govt.nz , or call us on 0508 CHARITIES (0508 242 748).

Download a PDF version of the information on this page here. [PDF, 309 KB]