Fundraising under the COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic light system)

Updated 2 December 2021

Fundraising is an important part of charities flourishing in Aotearoa. To ensure you have the information you need, we’ve worked with the COVID-19 National Crisis Management Centre to create this simple guidance for charities. 

Please note that we will update the information on this page with the relevant changes as quickly as possible. However, as information can change rapidly, we recommend that you check for the latest COVID-19 updates by visiting the Government's COVID-19 website(external link) links on this page. 

The Golden Rules 

No matter the traffic light colour ou are under, the Golden rules of COVID-19 apply:

  1. If you’re sick, stay home. Don’t go to work or school. Don’t socialise.
  2. If you have cold or flu symptoms call your doctor or Healthline.
  3. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands.
  4. Sneeze and cough into your elbow, and regularly disinfect shared surfaces.
  5. Follow the Government's recommendation to wear masks. View exemptions here. (external link)
  6. Follow the Government’s recommendations on vaccinations and social distancing under the traffic lights system(external link).
  7. If you are told by health authorities to self-isolate you must do so immediately.
  8. If you’re concerned about your wellbeing or have underlying health conditions, work with your GP to understand how best to stay healthy.
  9. Follow the Government's guidance on the use and checking of vaccine passes, and keep track of where you’ve been and who you’ve seen to help contact tracing. Charities should display the Ministry of Health QR Code at their business locations.
  10. Stay vigilant. There is still a global pandemic going on. People and businesses should be prepared to act fast if we have to.
  11. People will have different experiences. Whatever you’re feeling — it’s okay. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself.

For more information about the COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic light system), QR Codes, and the economic recovery, please visit the COVID-19 website(external link) and CommunityNet Aotearoa’s COVID advice page(external link).

If you are holding a pōwhiri please check with kaumātua at your local marae for advice on how to ensure tikanga is applied appropriately e.g. suspending hongi and harirū at pōwhiri.

Holding fundraiser events

Under the COVID-19 Protection Framework(external link), businesses and services must display NZ COVID Tracer app QR codes at events.

Protection requirements also apply by activity. This means if your charity carries out a number of different activities, for example: indoor workshops and outdoor fundraisers, you may need to apply different rules. We recommend you look at the events guidelines on the website(external link)

At all traffic light colours, you can still keep in touch with your donors and members by using online tools or by telephone (i.e. email, electronic newsletters, social media, fundraising apps, internet banking).