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Charities operating overseas: protect your charity against terrorist financing and other risks
Charities operating overseas: protect your charity against terrorist financing and other risks
Protecting your charity against terrorism financing resource.pdf [PDF, 1.3 MB]
A number of New Zealand's registered charities operate overseas, and do so in a variety of ways. Charities send money or goods overseas, undertake work ‘on the ground’, and fund or deliver programmes in partnership with overseas-based organisations.
Overseas activities are often harder to monitor than activities at home, and charities may be exposed to greater risks. These include risks of being misused by individuals or organisations to assist money laundering, or support terrorism financing or other criminal activities.
Money laundering is the process of concealing the proceeds of crime. Terrorism financing conceals the use of funds for terrorism purposes. The funds can come from both legal and illegal sources.
Charities operating overseas need sufficient policies, practices and controls in place to help identify and manage these risks. These can help ensure that any money, resources or other items that the charity sends overseas are used properly, and any overseas activities are overseen and managed responsibly.
Charities may be misused by terrorists or other criminals in many different ways:
Charities in New Zealand face a higher risk of terrorist and other criminal activities if they:
Clear policies, processes and controls for overseas activities will help charities safeguard their funds, assets and reputation. In particular, charities should:
If your charity operates overseas, particularly in a high-risk country (e.g. conflict zones, countries where there are well established terrorist groups or known corruption, and countries where it may be difficult for your charity to maintain end-to-end oversight of funds), your charity should take steps to:
It is important that charities regularly review their risks, especially when there are significant changes to the focus or scope of the overseas activities of the charity.
Charities often work with overseas agents, partners, contractors and others. You need to know who has ultimate control over the project that your charity’s money and resources are going towards.
There is no substitute for knowing these people well, understanding their backgrounds and affiliations, finding out about the work the organisation undertakes and satisfying yourself that they do not support terrorism or other corrupt or illegal practices. Conduct research on the internet, review local media and (if possible) contact charities or others that have worked with the organisation. Ask for details and cross-check information from everyone your charity works with.
If your charity is working with, or providing significant funds to, another organisation, check their governing documents. Do these clearly set out their mandate, and governance and accountability arrangements? Are the organisation’s aims and values compatible with those of your charity? Verify identities and documents where possible.
It is also important to ask about the organisation’s internal management and financial control systems. These need to be sufficiently robust to ensure that charitable funds are not open to fraudulent claims, theft by others, or diversion to terrorist organisations. As a minimum, the organisation should have:
If your research uncovers concerns that have been raised about the charity or its activities, consider the nature of the concerns and how long ago they were raised. Consider whether the police or a regulator investigated the concerns, and any outcome of these investigations.
Ultimately, your charity should only deal with organisations and people it can trust.
Under no circumstances deal with any individual or organisation included in the list of Designated Terrorist Entities(external link) that is maintained by the New Zealand Police. It is a serious criminal offence for anyone to participate in or support the activities of a designated terrorist entity.
Some donations have suspicious characteristics or appear risky – for instance, if they are unusual or substantial one-off donations (or a series of smaller donations that add up to a substantial amount), particularly cash donations, that:
If the donation raises concerns, your charity should consider whether to refuse or return the donation. If you suspect that the donation is related to terrorist financing, money laundering or other criminal activity, report it to the New Zealand Police on the non-emergency contact number 105. Advice on terrorist financing matters can be provided by the Financial Intelligence Unit in the New Zealand Police, email FIU@police.govt.nz.
Knowing who your charity’s beneficiaries are is particularly important if your charity makes grants of cash or other financial support directly to individuals or groups, or where your charity’s funds are distributed to individuals or groups through a third party. Carry out some general due diligence so your charity can be satisfied that it knows (in a general sense) who the beneficiaries are, that appropriate checks are carried out if necessary to minimise any risks, and that processes are in place to ensure that any eligibility criteria are met.
Your charity should have procedures for sending funds overseas (with appropriate controls and clear rules that set out who is able to handle funds and approve transactions) that promote transparency and accountability. Records of overseas transactions should be kept.
When sending money overseas, charities may face risks of their charitable funds being diverted or otherwise misused, even if they are working with a local organisation which has similar charitable purposes. You need to be confident that funds are sent through the appropriate channels. This includes making sure that if it is not possible to use the formal banking system, any alternative remittance service provider your charity uses is reputable.
It’s worth checking the Department of Internal Affair’s list of reporting entities under the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009, to see that the money remittance provider your charity uses (or is considering using) is included in the list. If the provider is on the list, there is some regulatory oversight of their activities. The list (which covers a range of businesses, not just money remittance providers) is available at: www.dia.govt.nz/AML-CFT-List-of-Reporting-Entities(external link)
Where funds are being transferred overseas, it can be easy for charities to lose sight of exactly how these funds are being used. It’s important that your charity monitors and evaluates the projects and activities that your charity is funding. This allows you to check that the charity’s funds are used for the right purposes.
Your charity should have clear written agreements with agents/contractors/other partners, in New Zealand and abroad, covering what activities will be undertaken and how they will be monitored and accounted for. Your charity needs to regularly check that the agreements are being followed. Consider asking for regular progress reports from partners, and visiting the partner organisation on the ground (if your investment is significant and it is safe and practical to do so).
If you suspect terrorism financing or other similar suspicious activity, contact the New Zealand Police on the non-emergency phone number 105.
We have also recorded a webinar 'Protecting your organisation from terrorism financing' in collaboration with representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Police and Council for International Development. You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li2Q2XCt--o(external link)